Factors Affecting Learning Performance in Flipped Classroom: An Empirical Study Based on RCOI Framework
Published | May 2021 |
Journal | Revista de Educación Volume 391, Issue 3 |
Country | China, Asia |
Prior studies focused on the relationships among the factors affecting the flipped classroom's learning performance (FCLP), but few analyzed the factors that affect FCLP. This study constructed a four-dimension model of the factors affecting FCLP based on the revised community of inquiry (RCOI) framework and tested it in three flipped classrooms (N=231) in a leading Chinese university. The analysis revealed that learners' perception of FCLP was affected by the social presence, teaching presence, cognitive presence, and learning presence in descending influence order. The cognitive presence acted as a full mediator between learning presence and FCLP and a partial mediator among teaching presence, social presence, and FCLP. The conclusion may provide a theoretical and practical guide to the future teaching design and class organization of flipped classrooms.Keywords | flipped classroom · learning performance · learner perception · revised community of inquiry (RCOI) · cognitive presence · structural equation modeling (SEM) |
CoI focus | Full model - adaptation |
Methodology | Quantitative |
Population | Undergraduate |
Data analysis | Structural equation modelling |
Instrument | Modified CoI survey |
Contribution | Empirical |
Sample size | 231 |
Study aim | "This study constructed a four-dimension model of the factors affecting FCLP based on the revised community of inquiry (RCOI) framework and tested it in three flipped classrooms." |
Finding | "Learners' perception of FCLP was affected by the social presence, teaching presence, cognitive presence, and learning presence in descending influence order." |
Language | English |
ISSN | 0034-8082 |
Refereed | Yes |
Export | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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